The UnionActive system is a powerful website and communications platform designed specifically for Union organizations. UnionActive is the easiest way to convert your current web site, or establish a brand new web site into a POWERFUL Membership Management & Communications Network.
Online forms can now be sent to 2 different email address fields in the form. The names of the fields need to be "email" and "notifyemail". Any valid email address entered into those form fields will receive a copy of the form when submitted. Online forms can now be sent to 2 different email address fields in the form.
What We Do
Local DEMO has been fighting for working class families for more than 70 year. We stand up for our members in the legislative, political, and social landscapes.
Who We Are
Our staff is made up of hard working men and women who know workers rights. Our E-Board has more than 100 years of combined experience standing up to employers.
Who We Represent
We represent works from this specific industry. This type of worker, that type of worker, you can enter any details you want in this spot.
The UnionActive system is made up of individual Modules that can be added, removed, and customized throughout the site.
To view the current modules, login to the site as an admin. Once you login each module will be outlined in the site, and a set of control buttons will appear at the top each module.
The text editor is built into the editing page of any area where you would want to create formatted content, like pages, articles, modules and many other areas. It is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor which means that the text edited in it looks as similar as possible to the results end users will see after the document gets published.
There are many options available for controlling the web site layout.
The left and right columns can individually be turned on or off, depending on if you want 1, 2 or 3 columns for the web site.
Proudly serving our community for over 70 years.
Local 1212 fights for hard-working families. Get involved today!